The Early Bird...

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Live Session with
The Match Ninja
"Somewhere out there...there are IMG's with MUCH WEAKER CV's than your in Residency
that YOU are technically more qualified for. Fact."

Dr Brian

The Guy That Just Said This

How Bad Were Their Residency Application Red Flags?
'Trump-Level' Bad.

Old Like Trump - Did you know that Trump was 23 years OLDER than Obama when the were inaugurated? I've seen applicants from 48 yrs old to 55 yrs old secure internal medicine residency.

Multiple Failures Like Trump - Before the Russians helped him 'win' the Presidency, Donald failed multiple businesses. I know residents that have failed the the USMLE CK 3-5 times that have Matched...

Switched Sides like Trump - Just like Donny T flipping back and forth on issues, I've worked with docs that have wanted to switch from Transplant Surgery to Internal Medicine or from Pediatrics to Anesthesiology.

I'll Show You Exactly What They Did to Secure Interviews...

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