3 Levels of Match Training, 1 Goal: Your Residency Match

Mission: Family Interview Training (FIT)


"After a few hours with Dr Brian the night before his marketing interview, my husband used so many of the interview skills I've learned for residency IV's . . . " -

"I've trained our docs' family members before...now we're just making it official."

Interviewed for: Information Technology (IT) Position

I was told that getting OB-Gyn even as a new grad was hard. As someone that graduated over 19 years ago, it would be impossible. I'm forever grateful to Dr Brian for believing in me and pushing me to believe in myself.

Dr D Swaminarayan, OB-GYN: Year of Graduation 1999. Matched in 2018

Interviewed for: Marketing Position

When I first Met Dr B, during our 1st advisor session (360), I had told him my application was for internal medicine, which my CV supported. But after getting to know who I am as a person, he asked, "IM? Your personality is more Gen Surgery". He was right, I was only applying to IM because my friends said my USMLE scores were not competitive enough. Not only did I get into Gen Surgery, when a door opened up for radiology, Dr B helped me kick that door down and it's changed my life's trajectory!"

Ash Rahman

Interviewed for: Green Card

So many people around me had their opinions on my whether or not I should continue this 'impossible dream'. I had responsibilities - as a wife and a mother of 2. Mission Residency reminded me that my struggles over the years have made me more ready for residency than I ever could have been when I first graduated in 2003.

Danny Loh

Interviewed for: Nursing School

I had already settled for a backup specialty - the only one I could get was the FARTHEST away from my first choice specialty (IM) in terms of skillset. Dr B got me back on the right track and into my first choice ranked Internal Medicine residency!

Maria Saroha

How You'll Train


Step 1: Interview Bootcamp (2-Day)

Live interactive training to expand your arsenal of High-Yield skills & techniques that are necessary if you want to win your
job through your interview. All training is geared to be flexible, allowing application to a wide-spectrum of employment fields.


Step 2: Practice with Fiance/Wife/Husband Training in Residency Masterclass OR 360 Mentorship

Your significant other in the accompanying residency interview training course will be taught/guided to master interview skills to a level where they can teach it. You can now independently practice your interview skills on your own schedule with them. Often times we see well meaning husbands/wives of our residency candidates that have NOT properly trained for interview skills try to help - often confusing/derailing their progress. By training under the same teacher, you'll have the knowledge to effectively help them practice.


Step 3 : Mock Interview/Pre-Interview Fine-Tuning

Once you've secured an interview & we know what your target is, we'll set aside a session with Dr Brian to help test, evaluate and fine-tune your interview skills/answers to help you do your very best with the upcoming job opportunity.

What should I expect from my Mission: FIT?

What Should You Expect?

The 2022-2023 Season will be a PILOT Program, which is why we're offering it as a BONUS opportunity for our current applicants.

Holy Sh*t, Mission Training isn't CHEAP!
True. But being unemployed is f'ing EXPENSIVE.!

Mission Residency is an investment. You're being taught by a teacher that came from a family that valued education about all else. For Dr Brian, education is the Golden Bullet that can help anyone achieve anything, no matter where you come from or what your individual goals are.

The MAIN goal is to make sure your significant other successfully Match. As a fiance/spouse - it's an amazing thing your doing supporting them financially through the entire process - from USMLE's to US Clinical Rotations, from applications to Match Training. The fact is the more you know about interviewing the more you'll be able to help make sure that your investment results in the ultimate goal: Matching into residency.

These are the HARD TRUTHS that can be easy to forget:

"It took me failing to Match 5 times to finally decide to finally train properly & train with Mission Residency like so many of my friends that Matched before me have. All together, $60,000 x 3 years for Residency plus $95,000 for first two years of Fellowship...I lost $370,000 in salary to save a few thousand on tuition. It's not the money though that saddens me - the biggest loss is time...that's something I'll never get back."

Dr Vijay Malladi
University of Kansas, Internist/Gastroenterology Specialist
Match in March 2018 During 1st Season with Mission Residency

Frequently Asked Questions

Ans:  If you were training for the Olympics taking place later this year (any sport), how soon should you start training?  The sooner the better, right?  If a patient wanted to be healthier in the fall in time for his/her wedding, when should they begin doing things to improve health?  Yesterday.  The fact is the more time you give us to prepare you, the more prepared you’ll be.  So if you have a choice between a midsummer IV Prep Masterclass (Session C) or a fall IV Prep Masterclass (Session E), choose the earlier one…the COST OF TUITION is the same.  We’re encourage docs to make us work harder & longer for you.   The difference is that Session E has the added challenge of having to master what they learned FASTER (and less room for error).

Ans: Quick Answer:    If you take a look at the comparison table on the enrollment page, you’ll find a section noting who the course is best suite for.  Longer Answer: The Simple Answer?  Well, it depends on the strength of your CV & Communication Skills. Generally the weaker your CV (fewer IVs) & English/Communication Skills, the more we recommend 360 or the earliest IV Prep Masterclass session. Another thing: While 360Elite has everything we can possible offer to get someone Matched, it’s not for everyone (based on need or budget).  The Match RATE for IV Prep Masterclass is just as high as 360Elite.  The difference is that 360 has a tendency to Match into first choices AND/OR need fewer interviews to successfully Match.  

Ans: Well, we’ve done it before and we’ll continue to do it over and over again.  Dr Brian is a BIGGGG believer that his IMG’s deserve to get into their 1st choice specialty.  They’ve sacrificed WAY too much not to.  We can’t tell you how many times we’ve had students end up with us that were told by other “mentors’/programs that they should give up on Internal Medicine or Surgery…even Psych, and just apply to an easier specialty.   That’s like telling a vegetarian to just go eat meat and enjoy it.  There is ALWAYS a way to help a doctor navigate to the speciality they were born (and LOVE) to do. 

Ans: We generally don’t offer discounts, mainly because our classes fill up without them. HOWEVER, the two instances in the past where we’ve made an exception:  Early Season Enrollment & direct family member/husband/wife of a past/current alumni.  For the Early Season, simply click the following link to check if a promo code is currently active (usually April/May).  The farther into the season we go, the less likely there will be open slots/promo opportunities.

Mission Residency © Copyright 2022. All Rights Reserved

Missed Out On May $500 Discount? From June 1-June 3rd, we'll send you a code for a last chance to get the same offer!