

LIVE: Foundation Day 5

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LIVE: Foundation Day 4

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LIVE: Foundation Day 3

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LIVE: Foundation Day 2

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LIVE: Foundation Day 1

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Advice: Your Next Steps BEFORE your Session’s LIVE Pre-Start Orientation

Welcome to Your Mission...

Let’s officially get your Mission to Residency Started, doc!  Your first LIVE training begins with your scheduled pre-start orientation.  You can check that date on the calendar located on your Member Dashboard as you login.  Your Day 1 of Foundation begins a few days later, so to help you hit the ground running, here’s a checklist of “Things to Do” leading up to live orientation:

We’ve got a full season ahead of us, with a lot of different opportunities designed to help us grow together!

Please take a look at your training schedule.  Dr Brian asks that you plan accordingly with regards to  Foundation/Essentials Workshop and the Official Practices that will follow throughout the season.

We want you to squeeze every ounce of opportunity you have available to you with your Mission:Training! Click below to Enlarge

Getting you Matched means Dr Brian getting to know what makes you…you.

During your 1st Advising Meeting, you’ll get to share your personal and CV background with Dr Brian…and have your worries about your Match answered.  

We recommend you schedule this session to take place AFTER you’ve already attended your session’s Live Orientation and Match Primer (Your first group meeting)

Schedule Your Appointment With Dr Brian

Can we be friends?

Dr Brian will be adding you to the official private FB pages for both your Session and the ALL-Sessions Page.  That’s were we’ll keep you updated throughout the season.

Add Dr Brian 

As an official Mission:Residency Doc, you’re now part of an elite group of doctors that will find every advantage to stand out from your competition.  

That means making sure your gear needs to meet that standard.

Dr Brian is currently updating  the latest and greatest gear that we HIGHLY recommend you invest in for the upcoming interview season.  

We’ll notify you as soon as the 2024-25  List is completed.

Let’s get this party started!

Please check your email for your invite to the Mission Residency Classroom & follow the instructions to complete registration or CLICK HERE.

*NOTE* To make this easier for you this season, the link for your classroom sessions will be THE SAME for the entire season.  (so you may want to bookmark it).  Dr B will always send a ‘reminder’ email when he opens the classroom, so you’ll have the link with the reminder email, as well!

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