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Announcement: Closing Mission Residency Additional Reservations/Enrollment

Match 2020: Seat Availability UPDATE
Full Enrollment (no fee)
6-months Installments
  • LIVE Start Date
Session B, 360Advanced (June '20 Start)
  • LIVE Start Date
360Elite Match Mentorship, Session A
  • Our Most Personal Level of Mentorship
  • Jan-April 2020 Mentorship Start
360Elite Match Mentorship, Session A
  • Our Most Personal Level of Mentorship
  • Jan/Feb/March 2020 Mentorship Start
360Advanced Match Mentorship, Session B
  • Our Most Popular Course
  • June Mentorship Start
360Advanced Match Mentorship, Session B
  • Our Most Popular Course
  • June Mentorship Start
IV Prep Complete, Session C
  • Our Signature Interview Training (included w/ 360-Level Courses)
  • August Training Start
Session C, IV Prep Complete (October '20 Start)
  • Our Signature Interview Training (included w/ 360-Level Courses)
  • August Training Start
IV Prep Intensive, Session D
  • For Last-Minute IV Focused Prep
  • October Training Start
Session C, IV Prep Complete (October '20 Start)
  • For Last-Minute IV Focused Prep
  • October Training Start
7-Day Foundation Course
  • The Beating "Heart" of All Our Training
  • August Training Start

UPDATE: March 29, 2020 – Mission Limiting Students, Closing Reservations

In response to the Covid-19 Pandemic, we’ve requested that all reservations/enrollment for upcoming scheduled Mission Residency Match Training be closed for the foreseeable future.  

Before contacting Mission Residency worried, please note the following: 

~ If you have ALREADY reserved a seat, your seat is safe *** Your full season training remains as scheduled***  

~ If you’re one of our alumni that didn’t apply or had an application that could not secure interviews/Match last season, we’ll still going to guide/train you.  

~ If you’ve inquired directly with Mission via phone or email,, there will be a short grace period that still allows you to still go on the website to reserve before closing.  You do not need to email us to check if a class is full or closed- if the system allows you to add a course to your cart, then it’s hasn’t been shut down yet.

~ For docs we cannot take in for training: We will still host free events to give advice every now and then for IMG’s that ARE NOT Mission Docs.  We just won’t be doing it as frequently as in the past. Click on Events to sign up for notifications.

Why this extreme measure during a period, when historically Mission gets the MOST enrollments/sells out sessions?

One Word: Responsibility.

Two things can never be replaced or given back: Time & the lives of, well, everyone.

Limiting enrollments at this juncture is the most responsible thing we can do to allow us to help everyone we possibly can. WHY are we taking this action? – taking less students means Allowing the time to:

1) Actively Continue to Contribute to Covid-19 Solution: As many of you know, we’ve been aggressively pursuing/petitioning to allowing all available, unmatched qualified IMG’s the opportunity to get into hospitals.  In addition to that, protecting the docs that HAVE Matched already that may be stopped because of Visa Issues.  This isn’t just Mission Docs – this is EVERYONE.  And for anyone that thinks this petition HELPS Mission Residency, it doesn’t: requesting the government find a way to get ALL qualified unmatched doctors into hospitals means 5000+ students that won’t worry about interviewing in the fall.  (it’s like a USMLE training company fighting to make all the Steps Pass/Fail, with how high scores are not mattering as much)

2) Our own Mission Docs, both past & present: 

Past – When Mission Alumni get into residency, the one thing we/re saddest about is that we can’t help & protect them the way we could when they were training for interviews.  The solution was to make sure we trained them in a way where what they learned went wayyy past interviewing skills…they were communication and life skills that would continue to be useful throughout their residency and careers.    Now, we have an opportunity to help get them MORE help in the form of unmatched docs.  (See Reason #1)

3) Present Students for 2020-21 Match Season: We have a responsibility to give them the quality time they each deserve – and have come to expect.  Between advocacy for ALL IMG’s & taking care of our families (mentioned below), taking in less students means we don’t have to compromise on the quality of time with each doc.  They won’t be penalized because we’ve taken on additional responsibilities.  

We also need to ramp up interview prep EARLIER, in the likely case that programs need to fill vacant or added slots BEFORE the September application process.

4) Family: We have family that depend on us that are stuck at home.  For Dr Brian, in addition to having to take care of a 3 1/2 year old daughter & her 1 1/2 year old sister home 24 hours a day/ 7 days a week because of school/daycare closings, Dr Brian’s wife Kate is, at the time of this decision, 6 1/2 months pregnant, due in July 2020.  They have no outside help as of now, so cutting enrollment means more time to help our students AND his wife/children.

Dr Brian’s students will tell you that we are big believers in QUALITY over quantity – it’s something that they need to master when programs give them 5-15 minutes in an interview situation.

We will re-evaluate the enrollment suspension as this fluid situation progresses. With the peak of Covid-19 pandemic in NYC (Dr Brian’s location) expected within the next 1-2 months, which will dictate that decision.

This decision to cut off enrollment wasn’t arrived at lightly.  The last thing anyone wants to feel is helpless – which is the feeling that this pandemic has given everyone.  we’ve been given an opportunity to help on multiple fronts…and while it means hurting the business side of Mission & that we will Help Less doctors as their mentor – it also means doing our civil, human, & paternal responsibility to help as many as we can.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email

Thank you for your understanding & Stay Safe,

Dr Brian & The Mission Residency Family