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Breaking News: Mission Residency to Accept 20 Additional Candidates for Match 2021! Seat Reservations begin July 8th, 2020!

For Press Release: July 4, 2020 (New York)-  Mission Residency announced today that they’ll be accepting 20 additional Match Trainees for the upcoming 2020-21 Match Season.  After filling & closing classes this past April, this is positive news for Foreign/International medical graduates that have were unable to secure a seat for other sessions.2020 Priority List

While Mission Residency classes have historically sold out early during previous seasons, the 2020 enrollments were even more limited in part because of the Covid-19 epidemic.  That, combined with lead mentor Dr Brian Mark & his wife expecting their 3rd child on June 25th (they had a little baby boy!), resulted in more competition for less seats.

“More students isn’t always a good thing”, stated Dr Brian.  “One of the lessons I’ve learned over the past decade of training our docs is that that personal attention MATTERS when training our docs to Match.  Quality over Quanity.  It’s what our students deserve”.

Reservations for the seats will go LIVE on the website on Wednesday, July 8th @9am EST*.   Two course training levels will be available:  360Advanced (August start) & IV Prep Complete (September start).   Seats are expected to fill quickly.

*NOTE: Mission Residency does offer an opportunity to be given reservation access EARLY for doctors that opt-in for the waitlist.  Click the link below & you’ll be given a 1 hour head via email notification to reserve a seat.

CLICK HERE to JOIN Mission:Residency 2020 Priority List

Countdown until Reservations Open

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